Today, Destiny 2: Heresy, the final Episode to release in the year of The Final Shape, launches with new activities, new story, new and returning weapons, new subclass Aspects, and more. Guardians will return to the Dreadnaught from the original Destiny, now under the guidance of an Echo. Alongside Heresy’s launch, 25 artifact mods will be available in Act I to boost Arc powers, debuff enemies, and much more.

In the new three-player activity, The Nether, Guardians will storm the Dreadnaught to stem the tide of Taken from descending onto the planets and moons of the Sol system. Drawing inspiration from Shattered Realm and The Coil, The Nether offers varied playthroughs of randomized patrol zones, encounters, and objectives, all available for solo players and fireteams. Players can earn boons of different intensity to empower their abilities and weapons, further enhancing their builds. Different challenges will be active, such as no health regeneration and limited ammo drops, making resource management crucial to each run.
New and returning weapons will also be added to the loot pool, including the return of Season of Arrivals weapons, refreshed with an updated perk pool and enhancement capabilities. Additionally, Heresy brings an update to Vault of Glass weapons, which now come with updated perks and can be crafted once players unlock their patterns.
Launching today alongside Heresy Act I, Destiny 2 introduces an array of Star Wars-themed armor ornament sets and accessories. Each class can don a look inspired by troopers and royal guards of the Galactic Empire: the Covert Ranger for Hunters, the Royal Protector for Warlocks, and the Shock Enforcer for Titans. Additional accessories are included in the Interstellar Warfare Antiquities Collection, featuring the DS-2 Shell, the Advanced Prototype Jumpship, and the Repulsorlift Jumpspeeder. New finishers and emotes are also available in the Eververse, allowing Guardians to conquer the galaxy in the name of the Galactic Empire.
On Friday, February 7, the Sundered Doctrine dungeon will launch alongside a Dungeon Race which challenges fireteams to complete the activity during the first 48 hours with Contest Mode enabled. The first verified team to finish the dungeon will receive a customized trophy, and all Contest Mode finishers earn a special emblem and guaranteed Exotic weapon drop. Normal Mode will be available once the first fireteam completes the dungeon.

Completing the dungeon by 9:59 AM PDT on May 6, 2025 will earn the Bungie Rewards offer to purchase the Sundered Doctrine assortment, including a new work shirt, a dungeon bracelet, and a pin. Guardians who complete the Delver Title by 9:59 AM PDT on May 6, 2025 will earn the Bungie Rewards offer to purchase the Sundered Doctrine Title Pin. Also available through Bungie Rewards is the new Heretic Title pin for collectors, requiring Guardians to complete the Heretic Title by 9:59 AM PDT May 6, 2025 to earn the offer to purchase the pin. For players looking for the puuurfect emblem to add to their collection, the Knit One, Purr Two emblem is now available as a gift with purchase on any order on the Bungie Store throughout Heresy.

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