Today, the annual spooky Festival of the Lost returns to Destiny 2, where Guardians can don festive masks and complete challenges to earn rewards. During this in-game event available to all, players can get their hands on the new Legendary Heavy Burst Arc Shotgun, Arcane Embrace, and new Festival of the Lost-inspired ornament sets. Last year, the Destiny community voted on the winning ornament sets, with Warlocks and Hunters choosing the evil wizard ornaments, while Titans chose the good wizard design.
Eva Levante has some extra special treats this year, as she will be selling Exotic Class items for those who own The Final Shape for 1 Eerie Engram and 2,500 Candy, which can be earned by completing challenges during Festival of the Lost. This gear will have random rolls and players will be able to repurchase for new rolls each time, with no limit to repurchasing. Players who have Exotic Class item attunement active and who purchase the items from Eva will be guaranteed a roll with the attuned perk. Also returning is the Superblack shader, which players can earn by completing the Ghost Writer Event Challenge, which requires players to complete 15 challenges on the Event Card.

For players interested in Festival of the Lost merch, those who complete the Haunted Sector Playlist Event Challenge by November 19 at 8:59AM PST will be able to purchase the new Headless Ones Shirt from the Bungie Store through Bungie Rewards.
Act I of Destiny 2: Revenant is ongoing, as players assume the role of Slayer Baron to take on the undead Scorn army of Fikrul. Guardians join Mithrax, Crow, and Eido in fighting the Scorn with new features and content such as tonic brewing, Onslaught: Salvation, the new Vesper’s Host Dungeon, and more.